This document contains the copyright information provided by AURA/STScI for images appearing on the Australian PC World cover CD. Note that in some instances PC World has sought permission from the authors to distribute their work. This permission is for distributing the files on Australian PC World only. For furhter information, see the text below. Use of AURA/STScI work first produced for NASA under Contract NAS5-26555, in accordance with NASA's contract, asserts no copyright and the work may be freely used as in the public domain. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work NASA and AURA/STScI be given appropriate acknowledgement for it. AURA/STScI would appreciate voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work. A catalogue of our images may be found at To help assess what on our website constitutes AURA/STScI work, if the credit line acknowledges STScI then the above copyright statement applies. However, if STScI is omitted from the credit line then you will need to contact the Principal Investigator listed in the credit line and they could possibly advise you of the copyright policy or direct you to the person who could best help you (if the Principal Investigator's information relates to an American institution you can go to the American Astronomical Society website to obtain their contact information, Please note that if you use AURA/STScI work that contains a ground-based image, we cannot authorize your use of the ground-based portion; you must seek permission from the appropriate copyright holder. This information can usually be found in the text that accompanies that particular work. Note that "Ground based" refers to pictures taken from telescopes on the ground, and not those taken by the Hubble Telescope. Thank you for your interest in AURA/STScI images. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact STScI.