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Star Wars: Battle for Naboo Demo
describes the scenario for Naboo as follows: The dark shadow of the
Trade Federation has fallen over Naboo. In the capital city of Theed,
an invasion force has landed. Fearing for her planet, Queen Amidala
plans to escape Theed in order to plead NabooÆs case before the Galactic
Senate on Coruscant. But while she is away, Naboo is in grave danger
and must be protected. As Lt. Gavyn Sykes of NabooÆs Royal Security
Forces, you must navigate the treacherous streets of occupied Theed
in order to escape and form a resistance movement. Flee into the remote
reaches of Naboo to discover the stormy swamps, snow-covered mountains,
secluded bayous, and ancient ruins that lie beyond the populated cities.
Dogfight in narrow ravines in a Naboo starfighter, navigate mine-laden
rivers in a stolen Trade Federation gunboat, and chase droid forces
across the fields of Naboo in a heavy STAP. Do whatever it takes,
just find your allies-smugglers, pilots, fellow Royal Security officers-and
end the oppression of the Trade Federation. |
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Author/supplier: Lucas
Web site:
Operating system: Windows 95/98/Me
Licence: Trial
Requirements: Pentium II 233, 64 MB RAM, 8MB Video card

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