Edit a password entry
In the edit password dialog you can modify all properties of a password entry. Depending on the type of the password entry different properties are available.
Name of password entry.
This is the password itself. It can be an access code, a PIN, a secret number, or any other sensible information. It is only displayed in this dialog so that a short glance at your open password list does not reveal any secrets.
* Switch hidden display on/off
Chooses from hidden or normal password display. Note that you can't copy the password to clipboard by a short cut while hidden display is activated.
Copy to clipboard
Copies the password to the clipboard. So you can copy the password into another program while the password remains invisible.
You can enter anything you want here.
Valid until
Here you can enter an expiry date. The expiry date is displayed in the password list. It solely serves as a reminder. It should motivate you to change your passwords frequently.
You can think out a password or let Steganos generate a virtually safe password. It can be directly saved to the password entry.
Delete entry
Deletes the currently displayed password entry. If the password entry was just created this button is invisible.
On the second page you can modify additional properties. These properties depend on the type of the password entry.
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