logo_kb.gif (1911 Byte)

System requirements

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Pentium processor or comparable CPU

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)16 MB RAM

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Hard drive space: approx. 7 MB for Steganos II Security Suite, additional approx. 20 MB for Internet Explorer and approx. 3 MB for CosmoPlayer

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.0

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (not necessary with Windows 98 or later)

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Screen resolution 800x600 or higher with 256 colors (or more), 65.536 colors, HiColor (or higher) for Zero Emission Pad

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Mouse or any other Windows compatible pointing device


bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Cosmo Player 2.1 or later for TrustLink 3D

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)TOWITOKO I2C-Memorycard compatible chipdrive for chipcard support

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Scanner with TWAIN interface

bulletgray.gif (816 Byte)Windows compatible soundcard

downl.gif (150 Byte) Download Internet Explorer

downl.gif (150 Byte) Download CosmoPlayer