Configuration: mail profile
Panda Antivirus 6.0 is capable of displaying folders that contain e-mail messages in the Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Outlook Express programs, allowing them to be selected for scanning. Since both programs allow
several profiles to be defined, each one with its own features, a section has
been set up to configure which profile will be chosen by the antivirus.
Default profile
This option indicates that a default profile in accordance with the e-mail
program (Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook, or Microsoft Outlook Express) will be opened.
Ask upon entering
This option causes the antivirus to ask for the profile that it must open by
offering a list of all defined profiles in the e-mail program (Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express).
Specified profile
Thanks to this option, a specific profile can be indicated, so that the
antivirus can always work with it.
Profile: if the user has chosen to always work with a specific profile, that profile
can be indicated here.