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Our Antivirus Solutions are based on an unbeatable combination of products and services. Services are an essential part of any antivirus package: even the best antivirus is of little use if it is not updated periodically, or does not provide round-the-clock technical support. At Panda Software we offer you the most complete service suite available on the market.

INTELLIGENT UPDATES. Through our Website, Panda Antivirus updates itself DAILY to combat all the latest viruses. The updates are performed by downloading the minimum amount of information required from Internet, thereby avoiding the downloading of bulky files. To configure the Intelligent Updates, just press the Update button and check the option "Perform updates automatically".

24H S.O.S. VIRUS. If you are affected by an unknown virus, there is no need to worry. At Panda, we will collect, detect, and remove the virus in less than 24 hours. You can send supposed viruses to

24H-365D TECHNICAL SUPPORT. If you come across a problem, let us know. The best professionals will attend to you PERSONALLY at any time of the day, any day of the year. Contact the Panda Software Support Department. Only available in Panda Antivirus 6.0 Platinum.

INTELLIGENT UPGRADES. We provide you with constant improvements and new versions of the product you have acquired. The upgrades are performed by downloading only the necessary data from Internet in order to achieve fast, simple upgrades. Intelligent Upgrades are carried out from the application's installer.

MONTHLY/QUARTERLY UPDATES. Optionally, we will send fully updated versions of our antivirus to your mailing address on CD-ROM or diskette. You can get the quarterly updates from our virtual store

12H S.O.S. VIRUS. If you can't afford to waste a minute of your time, we will collect, detect, and remove any unknown virus that affects you in record time: just 12 hours! If you have this service, you can send supposed viruses to