100 CoMDScan 200 Select this scan to check that the files your programs need to function properly are in the correct locations. 201 Program Integrity Scan 202 Verifies that the files your programs need to function properly are in the correct locations. If a program cannot find a required file, it might not run properly or at all. If a program is missing a file, this scan helps you locate it and move it to the correct location. 300 Common Program Locations 301 Scans your desktop, Start Menu, application paths, and the Shared .DLL and Uninstall sections of the Windows Registry to ensure your programs can locate their dependencies. 302 Select this item to scan your desktop, Start Menu, application paths, and the Shared .DLL and Uninstall sections of the Windows Registry. 303 Select this item to scan your desktop, Start Menu, application paths, and the Shared .DLL and Uninstall sections of the Windows Registry. 400 Select this problem to view its solutions. 401 Missing File: "%s" 402 "%s" cannot find a necessary file, "%s." 403 "%s" cannot access a necessary file, "%s." 500 Select this solution to copy the missing file to a usable location. 501 Copy missing file to a usable location. 502 Copies "%s" to either the directory or path from which "%s" runs. 503 Select this solution to copy the missing file to a usable location. 504 Missing Program Files 505 One or more programs on your computer reference files that are inaccessible or cannot be found. This might cause the program to run improperly or not at all. 506 Select this category to view specific missing files. 507 "%s" might be located on a removable drive, a non-visible volume such as an NTFS drive, or on a network. If "%s" cannot find the file, you might need to reinstall "%s." 510 Copied "%s" to "%s" 511 Program Integrity Scan copied "%s" to "%s" so "%s" can use it. 514 Scanning Desktop 515 Scanning Application Paths 516 Scanning Uninstall Files 517 Scanning Start Menu 518 Scanning Shared .DLLs 519 No solution. 520 Select no solution if the missing file is not currently accessible by your computer. 1500 regpro.exe 1501 cl.exe 1502 DBD32.EXE 1503 End Excludes, be sure to move this and where we loop in code to change size of list.