100 KeyPadChkCtrl 101 The Keyboard diagnostic tool lets you check your keyboard for keying ~ 102 problems. To complete, simply press each key on your keyboard. As you ~ 103 press each key, the corresponding keys on the screen will shade and the ~ 104 lower list box reports the key's description and ASCII character code. ~ 105 Once all keys are shaded, the test is complete. If any keys do not appear ~ 106 shaded, even after pressing the key, the key may not be functioning correctly. ~ 107 Try using that key in a document. If it still does not produce the corresponding ~ 108 letter on the screen, your keyboard may be broken. Contact the keyboard manufacturer ~ 109 for more information.\n\n~ 110 If a problem is reported, note the problem, click Support, and then click ~ 111 Find-A-Fix to search for a resolution. Find-A-Fix is the easiest way to resolve ~ 112 most hardware and software problems. 150 Press Keypad Keys To Begin Testing 151 no key name 152 %s key pressed 153 IBM PC/XT or compatible (83-key) keyboard 154 Olivetti 'ICO' (102-key) keyboard 155 IBM PC/AT (84-key) or similar keyboard 156 IBM enhanced (101- or 102-key) keyboard 157 Nokia 1050 and similar keyboards 158 Nokia 9140 and similar keyboards 159 Japanese keyboard 160 Unknown keyboard type 497 498 Arial 499 -11 500 Arial 501 Arial 502 Keypad 600 Japanese key 1 601 Japanese key 2 602 Japanese key 3 603 Japanese key 4 703 ndiagskb.ini 704 Software\Symantec\Norton Utilities\4.5\Install 705 InstallDir 706 Keyboard 707 AvailableKeyboards 708 NumberOfKeyboards 709 LastKey 710 \ 711 Key 712 KeyboardType 713 All keys pressed. Keypad test passed. 718 280 719 290 720 70 721 25 722 &Help 726 10 727 220 728 396 729 64