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WordWeb Thesaurus and Dictionary 1.6
Whether your dictionary is untouched or dog-eared and falling apart,
this free program can replace it quite effectively. Not only does
it include common definitions but it shows synonyms and antonyms,
as well. You can use it with any word processor or as a stand-alone
Its Lookup field
lets you use asterisks and strings to find words in a number of
different ways. If you enter *gry, for instance, the program will
retrieve angry,hungry, and other words ending with those letters.
You can add words to the program's database too. If you're a truly
advanced wordsmith, you might find the program's hypernyms, hyponyms,
meronyms, and holonyms useful.
The professional
version of this program costs $US18 and lets you find anagrams and
words matching a pattern.
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