A complete listing of programs on this CD.
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File Management Frenzy
by Linda L. Grubbs and Scott Mendham
How many times has this happened? You copy a file from this CD or a floppy, but can't locate it on your hard drive. Or you search for a document and find multiple files with the same name. If you have too many files in scattered locations, you may even slip up and overwrite a more recent document with an older one. Windows Explorer can be useful but its many limitations that can make it harder to move and keep track of files - particularly on networks or PCs with multiple drives and deep directory structures. With the right combination of software, managing this important process can be less discouraging. This collection of programs will help you find alternatives to Windows Explorer, clear out worthless files, transfer large files using File Splitter and take a closer look at what's inside of your file folders with Directory Printer - a shareware program that prints out directory trees and sub-folders. Also see the two additional tools in this months Help Screen (DMEXMenu and Tray Minimizer).
- Clean Disk 1.0
Quickly remove space-wasting junk from your hard disk with this file management utility. It scans for temporary files, program setup files, log files, automatically created backups, and Internet cache files, and then displays them so you can decide what files to delete.
- Control3 2.2
A locally developed file management program for quickly navigating complex directory structures and perfroming functions such as copying, moving or running files. It also has support for .ZIP file processing including the creation of self-extracting and executable archives.
- Directory Printer 3.1
Windows 95 doesn't let you print directories from Explorer the way Windows 3.x did. Print a single directory, print the entire directory tree, or export the directory to a file for import into other programs.
- Disk Space Recovery Wizard 2.92
Reclaim wasted disk space with this utility. When programs access the Windows system, they leave binary and hex data behind, eventually filling the hard disk. This program finds garbage data, checks whether it's being used, compresses it, recovers disk space and then deletes the data.
- FAT32
Frustrated with Windows NT not being able to read Windows 9x FAT32 partitions? The free utility solves that problem but is read-only. A full read-write version is available but it must be purchased.
- File Search 1.1
Seek out duplicate files within a directory. This free applet lets you compare files by name, size, and time, and it also allows you to place duplicate files in list boxes, where they can be easily deleted.
- File Splitter 1.21
Split files into pieces so they can be moved on floppy disks between systems. The program creates a batch file that is easily reassembled on another PC. You do not need to have it installed on both machines to transfer files.
- FileQuest 1.1
FileQuest is a Windows 95/98/NT/2000 file manager that helps you manage files and folders effectively and easily. This Explorer replacement also adds brings a lot of additional powerful tools.
- PowerDesk 4
Replace Windows Explorer with this freeware file management utility that gives you all the functionality of Explorer, plus support for encryption and compression, as well as an expanded right-click menu. A Quicklaunch feature provides easy access to files and folders. The two-paned interface is customisable and offers one-step searching.
- Super Text Search 2..3
Search for text anywhere on your drive, and then open, view, or edit the file in its associated application. The text can reside in word processing documents, databases, spreadsheets, binary files, and zip archives. You can conduct wild-card or pattern searching as well.
- Unique Filer 1.3
Free up disk space by deleting duplicate image files. This file management tool lets you scan multiple drives for duplicates by both file names and graphical content. The Fuzz Factor feature allows you to find duplicates even when images have been modified or enhanced.
- Windows Commander 4.03
This utility does everything Explorer does, along with enhanced copying, deleting, renaming and drop-and-drag functionality. Other features include hot-key support, an FTP client, direct access to Network Neighborhood, a configurable menu and multilingual support.
Cookie Monsters
by Linda L. Grubbs and Scott Mendham
Advertisers crave information about how you spend your time on the Internet. They want to know what products you like, where and how much you spend - and how long you visit a particular Web site. If that sounds harmless, then think again. Earlier this year, there was an uproar about the practices of DoubleClick, an Internet advertising firm. At issue is the company's use of consumer information acquired from cookies that were located within banner ads placed on Web sites and future plans to use this information. You should remember that cookies are also used for practical purposes and totally disabling them may prevent access to secure content, shopping sites or pages requiring you to log in (such as banking, share trading or subscription content).
These programs will help you protect your privacy by blocking, tracking and deleting cookies before they can reveal information about you. Many come with additional tools for blocking banner ads, pop up windows and protecting privacy. Evaluate which one works best with your browser by trying out one or all of them.
Cookie Cruncher
Cookie Cruncher lets you view and then delete cookie files that have accumulated on your hard drive. This program works with Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, and AOL.
Cookie Crusher 2.5d
Protect your privacy by rejecting Web site cookies before they hit your hard disk. The program will tell you whether the cookie is used for ad tracking, online shopping, or site tracking.
Cookie Pal 1.5
Control cookie files from all the popular Internet browsers, such as Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, CompuServe, AOL, and others. You decide which cookies to keep and which ones to reject. The program can run on the fly or behind the scenes while you do other things.
Cookie Web Kit
This simple batch file and PIF combination will help you quickly eliminate any cookies, cache files, and even history files from your system, preventing snoops from seeing how and where you spend your time on the Internet.
History Kill 2000
This Internet tool protects your privacy by deleting cached files and cookies while you surf the Web and after your browsing session. This version adds an option for auto-clearing at boot-up, auto-configuration capabilities, and support for Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, and AOL 4.0 and 5.0.
NetWatcher 2000
This utility runs in the background while you're connected to the Internet. If it detects queries for information from your PC, it alerts you and immediately closes the connection. NetWatcher 2000 then logs the date and time and the IP address, port number, and host used by anyone trying to access data on your system.
Norton Internet Security 2000
More than a cookie manager, this program includes Norton Antivirus, a firewall, content monitor and will also strip out banner advertising. Anyone who has used AtGuard from our previous CDs we instantly recognise this Symantec branded version (a detailed review appeared in March 2000 PC World)
SurfSecret 2
Use this Web privacy utility to cover your surfing tracks. SurfSecret periodically deletes temporary Internet files, cache and cookie files, and Web images and text stored on your hard drive.

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