The currently installed driver for the Antiviral Toolkit Pro 3.0 F-Secure Gatekeeper is not compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000 and will be disabled during the upgrade. You should uninstall this software for a more complete solution.

To uninstall this software

  1. Quit Windows 2000 Setup.
  2. Click Start, point to Programs, point to AntiViral Toolkit Pro, and then click AntiViral Toolkit Pro Uninstall.
  3. When asked if you want to completely remove the selected application and its components, click Yes.
  4. Restart the computer and then restart Windows 2000 Setup.

For more information about this driver, visit the manufacturer's Web site at Web addresses can change, so you may be unable to connect to this Web site.

For a list of devices supported by Windows 2000, see the Microsoft Windows 2000 Hardware Compatibility List at the Microsoft Web site.