International patents
Your Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer, Microsoft IntelliMouse with IntelliEye,
Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical, Microsoft IntelliMouse Web, Microsoft IntelliMouse Pro, Microsoft IntelliMouse, Microsoft Mouse, Microsoft Wheel Mouse, or Microsoft IntelliMouse TrackBall pointing device may be covered by one or more of the following
international patents:
- Austria—7270, 7271, 7272
- Australia—121804, 673689, 124442
- Benelux—23592-01, 23592-03, 23592-02
- Canada—73613, 2107735, 76290
- China—96307279.X, 97317909
- Denmark—0116 1994, 0283 1994, 0282 1994
- France—983116, 931855, 946268
- Germany—M9805338.8, M9605797, M9302845.8, M9711847
- Great Britain—2074897, 2057482, 2030282, 2034318, 2034319
- India—1309
- Ireland—D.10068, D.10066, D.10067, D.10686
- Italy—64730
- Japan—1017652, 1012107, 963222
- Korea—215536, 152820, 152820-02, 152820-01
- Portugal—25.221
- Spain—129877
- Switzerland—120 464
- Thailand—8791
- Taiwan—NI087460, ND055554, ND40898, ND41816, ND37823, UM136891, ND053397
Additional patents pending.