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Internet Explorer Critical update
This patch fixes three key security flaws which little in common except for the fact they affect the same .dll file.
1. Frame Domain Verification vulnerability. A bug in the IE5 security system may allow a parent window to open a frame that contains a file on the visitors computer and then read it. The Web site operator would need to know the name and location of the file, and could only view file types that can be opened in a browser window.
2. Unauthorised Cookie Access vulnerability. By using a special malformed URL, it is possible for a malicious web site to gain access to the visitors cookies and read or change them. The impact of this breech will depend on the type of cookies accessed and how they are handled on the legitimate owner's site.
3. "Malformed Component Attribute" vulnerability. A more complex security hole that may allow the running of ActiveX components in IE's unchecked buffer.
As an added bonus it also will fix the cryptic 'WPAD Spoofing vulnerability'.
Special note:This patch can only be applied to IE4.01 SP2 or IE5.01
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File details
Author/supplier: Microsoft
Web site:
Operating system: Windows 95/98/NT4
Licence: Free

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