While loading some programs onto my computer from a CD, I made the mistake of loading the screen saver program After Dark. Now I can't seem to get it off my system! I also know of someone else who is having the same problem. I would appreciate any advice on how I can delete this menace!
- Andrew Boskell
Removing After Dark is a fairly simple process even though it is not obvious. After Dark falls into that category of programs that make changes to the system. Other similar programs might include virus checkers. When you want to remove them you can't just delete the program files -- you will receive errors because references to files that no longer exist will remain on the system. A well designed software package will place on your hard drive a nice little program with an obvious name such as Uninstall. After Dark, like some other programs I have unfortunately encountered, leaves the uninstall program on the original disks. This can be a big problem if you have lost the original disks or, worse yet, you downloaded the program off the Internet and deleted the installation files (I have done this a few times). Just to make things even less obvious, After Dark does not have a separate uninstall program, rather you need to go back to the installation CD and run the Setup program again. You can then choose the Uninstall option.
- Roy Chambers
Category: Win95
Issue: Jan 1998
Pages: 154