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Go Mulder and Scully-like and delve into the world of secret documents surrounding UFO sightings - X-Files style - right here on the PC World Plus! CD.

Note from New Zealand PC World Magazine: The PDF files and contents on this page are supplied courtesy of the US National Security Agency ( in accordance with their Privacy and Security notice. These documents are in PDF format and require Acrobat Reader: see the Essentials section if you do not have a copy of this free program. You can view the documents by clicking on the appropriate links below or advanced users can open the PDFs directly from the d:/UFOs directory of this CD.

US National Security Agency (NSA) documents

The documents listed on this page were located in response to the numerous requests received by NSA on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects. In 1980, NSA was involved in Civil Action No. 80-1562, Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. National Security Agency. Documents related to that ligitation are marked with an asterix*.

'XXXXX' has been inserted in a title if a portion of the title has been deleted prior to release. To select a document click on the document title, and wait for the PDF version to be downloaded to your local viewer. Approximate file sizes are given after each selection. Happy alien hunting!

  1. * In Camera Affidavit of Eugene F. Yeates - Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. NSA (Civil Action No. 80-1562), 2.11 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  2. * Communications Intelligence (COMINT) reports [broken into sizable parts for viewing]
    PART A, 1.06 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)
    PART B, 0.83 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)
    PART C, 0.87 Mb (PDF Format 3.0
    PART D, 0.80 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)
    PART E, 0.83 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)
    PART F, 1.17 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)
    PART G, 0.73 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)
    PART H, 0.68 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)
    PART I, 0.95 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)
    PART J, 0.81 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  3. * Affidavit of Eugene F. Yeates - Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. NSA (Civil Action No. 80-1562), 2.00 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  4. ''U.F.O. Files: The Untold Story'' by Patrick Huyghe, 1.14 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  5. ''Govt.'s Super-Secret Security Agency Warns: Take UFOs Seriously or Be Prepared for Sneak Invasion by Space Aliens'' by Thomas L. Muldoon, National Enquirer, .34 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  6. ''The U.S. Government and the Iran Case'' - IUR Report, .44 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  7. ''Report of U.F.O. Crash in '47 Called False by Science Panel'' - The New York Times, .39 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  8. ''What the U.S. Government Knows About Unidentified Flying Objects'' by Peter Gersten, Frontiers of Science, .48 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  9. ''Is the CIA Stonewalling?'' by Richard Hall, .47 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  10. ''The Government and UFOs'', .47 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  11. ''UFO As Advanced Technology'', .47 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  12. ''French Government UFO Study'', .13 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  13. Communications Intelligence (COMINT) report - ''XXXXX Unidentified Flying Objects'', .10 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  14. COMNAVSECGRU visual sighting report, .23 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  15. ''Report Bibliography'' issued by the Defense Documentation Center, .61 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  16. ''Now You See It, Now You Don't'' by Captain Henry S. Shields, HQ USAFE/INOMP, .43 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  17. Joint Chiefs of Staff report concerning the sighting of a UFO in Iran on 19 September 1976, .58 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  18. Exploitation Report - A Fragment, Metal Recovered in the Republic of the Congo, 3.79 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  19. Navy report- Country: Cuba, Subject: UFO, .27 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  20. Routing and Transmittal Slip from Louis E. Foster, DIA with a DIA summary sheet and US Defense Attache report on the sighting of a UFO in Iran on 19 September 1976, .86 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  21. Department of State AIRGRAM - Subject: Flying Saucers Are a Myth, .76 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  22. Department of State report - Subject: Tunisian Firefall, .29 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  23. Department of State AIRGRAM - Subject: Celestial Body Observed over Antarctica, .22 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  24. Department of State AIRGRAM - Subject: Political Report for August 1965, .20 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  25. Department of State AIRGRAM - Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects, .23 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  26. Department of State AIRGRAM - Subject: Sighting of Object Possibly Originating from Space Vehicle, .20 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  27. Department of State AIRGRAM - Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects, .19 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  28. Department of State AIRGRAM - Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects Reported Over Angola, .21 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  29. Department of State AIRGRAM - Subject: Report of Unidentified Object Which Fell Near Municipio of General Teran, N.L., .21 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  30. American Embassy Tunis report - Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects, .07 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  31. Report from Air Force Special Security Office - Subject: (Unclassified) UFOB NEAC Area, 2.40 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  32. General Accounting Office Report to the Honorable Steven H. Schiff, House of Representatives - Government Records - Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash Near Roswell, New Mexico, 1.94 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  33. * Memorandum and Order - Citizens Against UFO Secrecy v. National Security Agency (Civil Action No. 80-1562), .19 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  34. ''Communication With Extraterrestrial Intelligence'' by Lambros D. Callimahos, 1.23 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  35. * ''UFO Hypothesis and Survival Questions'', .65 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  36. * ''UFO's and the Intelligence Community Blind Spot to Surprise or Deceptive Data'', .63 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  37. Memorandum for the Record - Subject: Information Request Solicitation, .41 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  38. United States Air Force Fact Sheet 95-03 - ''Unidentified Flying Objects and Air Force Project Blue Book'', .15 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  39. Report of Air Force Research Regarding the ''Roswell Incident'', 2.77 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)

  40. JANAP 146, .78 Mb (PDF Format 3.0)


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