1 Field 2 Value 3 Mapped from 4 Field 5 & 101 3000 Minimum Memory (in K) to avoid warning message 102 3000 Minimum Free Space (in K) to avoid warning message 103 Memory warning: The available memory of %ld K bytes is less than the suggested minimum memory of %ld K bytes. 104 Free disk space warning: The available disk space of %ld K on the default volume is less than the suggested minimum of %ld K free space. 105 Warning: Low system resources 451 Mr,Mrs,Ms,Miss,Mister,Mistress,Master,Herr,Heer,Monsieur,Dr,Doctor,Prof,Professor,Hon,Honorable,Judge,President,Pres,Vice,Captain,Capt,Lieutenant,Lt,General,Gen,Admiral,Adm,General,Gen,Colonel,Col,Commander,Cdr,Cmdr 452 Jr,Sr,Esq,CLU,CFP,CPA,JD,MBA,BS,MS,BA,MA,PHD,MD 453 De,Da,Le,La,Von,Van,Der,St 454 Wm,Jas 455 y,&,-,and 501 True,Yes,On 502 False,No,Off 1501 [%L, %T %F %M, %S] Combine Names: L - Last Name; F - First Name; M - Middle Name; T - Name Title; S - Name Suffix; N - New Line 1502 [%1%N%2%N%3%N%C, %S %Z%N%T] Combine Addresses: 1 - Street line 1; 2 - Street line 2; 3 - Street line 3; C - City, S - State; Z - Zip or Postal Code; T - Country; N - New Line 1503 [+%C %A %P x%E] Combine Phone Numbers: C - Country Code; A - Area Code; P - Phone Number; E - Extension; N - New Line 1504 [%A %S %D] Combine EMail Address: A - Address; S - Service; D - Display Name; N - New Line 10001 1.0