Choose the language you want from the Target language list. If the language you want to use is not listed, quit the wizard, insert the CD that contains the language you want to use, and then restart the wizard.
The language you choose will determine how two folders are structured:
A subfolder for each localized version—for example, EN for English and DE for German—is created in the Download folder. The Download folder is created when you install the wizard; the .cab files for Internet Explorer and other programs are downloaded to it as you run the wizard.
A subfolder for each localized version is also created in the IE4site destination folder for your browser package. The destination folder is where the customized packages will be placed when the wizard is finished. The folder IE4site, plus the folder for your localized version, are placed in the destination folder you specify.
For example, if you specify your destination folder as
then the English language version would be created in the
If your users install the Windows Desktop Update, the language must match the language of their Windows or Windows NT shell. This limitation does not apply to the browser. If users attempt to install the browser and shell in a different language, only the browser will be installed.
You must run this wizard once for each localized version you want to create. To retain settings across multiple versions, specify the same destination folder for each version. The localized versions will then be saved in different subfolders.