-------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Outlook 97 README for O97dtfix.exe May 1999 -------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1999 ------------ INTRODUCTION ------------ In Microsoft Outlook 97 for Windows, if import or export text files with dates formatted with two-digit years, some years are designated in the wrong century. The O97dtfix.exe file contains updated versions of file that fix this problem. The O97dtfix.exe file contains the following files: Transmgr.dll Updated file (130,560 bytes) Rm.dll Updated file (173,056 bytes) ReadMe.txt Information and instructions For specific information about the various ways this issue occurs, See the Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q197237. This file can be accessed at the following Web site: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q197/2/37.asp ------------ INSTALLATION ------------ To install the O97dtfix.exe file, follow these steps. NOTE: Because there are several versions of Windows, the following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, please consult your product documentation to complete these steps. Downloading and Expanding the O97dtfix.exe File ----------------------------------------------- 1. Click Start, point to Programs, and then click Windows Explorer. 2. Download or copy the O97dtfix.exe file to an empty folder on your hard disk. 3. In Windows Explorer, double-click the O97dtfix.exe file to expand it. The Transmgr.dll, Rm.dll and ReadMe.txt files listed in the "Introduction" section are extracted. Renaming and Replacing the Affected Files ----------------------------------------- Quit all programs so that your original Transmgr.dll and Rm.dll files are not in use, and follow these steps to rename the file: 1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder containing your old Transmgr.dll and Rm.dll files. By default, this is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Convert If you have installed Microsoft Office in a different location, then use that location to locate your original files. 2. Right-click each file, and then click Rename on the shortcut menu. 3. Rename the files to Transmgr.old and Rm.old and then press ENTER. Copying the New Files into the Office Folder -------------------------------------------- 1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder where you expanded O97dtfix.exe. 2. Drag the new Transmgr.dll and Rm.dll files to the folder containing the renamed files, Transmgr.old and Rm.old (typically C:\Program Files\ Microsoft Office\Office\Convert). 3. In Windows Explorer, on the File menu, click Close. 4. Click Start, and click Shut Down. Click Restart The Computer, and then click Yes.