Adding Windows NT to a Windows 98 system is easy ù just create a dual-boot configuration. But what happens if you subsequently need to reinstall Windows 9x or decide to upgrade to the forthcoming Windows 98 Second Edition? Unfortunately, when you boot to Windows 9x and then reinstall, the install program overwrites the Windows NT boot loader and you lose the option to boot NT. Not a problem, as long as you have the Windows NT boot disks created during setup. To repair the boot loader, place your first NT boot disk in the floppy drive, then power on or restart the PC. The Windows NT setup program will prompt you to insert disk 2, then finally present you with a Welcome screen. Press R to select the Repair option. Deselect the first three repair options, leaving only inspect boot sector selected, then press <Enter>. Next, you'll be prompted to insert disk 3. After locating your hard disks and CD-ROM drive, the setup program will prompt you to insert a repair disk. If you don't have one, or if yours is out of date, don't worry. Just press <Esc> to locate the NT folder on the hard disk and restore the NT boot loader. Follow the remaining instructions to restart the system and voila ù you should see Windows NT's boot menu. - Scott Spanbauer |
Category:windows NT Issue: September 1999 |
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