I want to send a friend an HTML mail for a surprise. I was wondering whether Eudora -- the "light" version -- will be able to read the HTML format?
- Bryce White

Unfortunately, Eudora does not incorporate HTML into its mail viewer. Apart from the Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer Mail programs, most e-mail packages do not have this capacity. As Christmas is approaching, here are some alternative ways to send a similar surprise.

Netscape Messenger can create HTML messages, but recipients may have trouble reading them
1. Attach an HTML document to your mail message. However, if there are graphics on the page, you will need to attach those as well.
2. Place a link to a Web page in the e-mail message -- clicking it should launch their Web browser. Most e-mail packages will recognise a Web address provided you have prefixed it with http://. If you don't have your own Web page, you can set one up for free using services such as Geocities (http://www.geocities.com).
3. If you don't want to create a Web page, use one of the many online greeting card services. The recipient is sent an e-mail telling them to go to a particular Web address set up specially for them. Often, they have to type in a password, so the greeting remains private. At the specified address, they will see your greeting card, which will remain there for a set period of time (often weeks or months).
Type "online greeting cards" into your favourite Internet search engine and you will find a good number of these services. Kodak provides a free electronic greeting card service through their site at [http://www.kodak.com/digitalImaging/pictureThis/ (NB: the correct capitalisation is crucial for this site).
- Roy Chambers
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Category: Internet, Communications
Issue: Jan 1998
Pages: 158