I am trying to find software that can create disk images. I want to back up my 3.5in diskettes to my hard drive and then archive them to my CD-ROM burner. This way I can regenerate the disks from the images at any time.
Do you know of any software the can create images from disks and vice-versa, and that will run on Windows NT 4.0?
- Angelo Eliades

The shareware program WinImage 4.0 should do the job in NT (see http://www.winimage.com/winimage.htm for more details). You can create images to your hard drive as image files (self-extracting if necessary). The file winima40.zip contains the Win32 Intel version that will work in Windows 95 and Windows NT. There is even a version for the DEC Alpha in case you are one of those speedmongers with an Alpha NT 4.0 station. The price is $US30 for the Standard Edition and $US60 for the Professional Edition. WinImage also supports Microsoft's DMF format, which currently frustrates anyone trying to use standard utilities to make backups of their master disks. It even includes image defragmentation and batch control and has support for creating CD images.
- Tony Locke

Create disk images from floppies with WinImage 4.0
Category: Hardware, Windows NT
Issue: Nov 1997
Pages: 166-168