I need to quickly adjust sound on my PC. I can't seem to add the Volume icon to my Win 95 Taskbar (the check box is greyed out), and there's no volume control on my speakers. I'm using an Orchid SoundWave 32 Multimedia sound card and Orchid SP-U2 speakers. Any ideas?
- Pauline Brazier

Windows' volume control software doesn't work with all sound cards, but you should be able to use it with your Orchid system. If the check box for activating it is unavailable, volume control may not be installed on your system.
To make sure it is, open Windows' Control Panel, click Add/Remove Programs, and select the Windows Setup tab. Double-click Multimedia in the Components box, check Volume Control and click OK. Insert the Windows 95 installation floppy disk or CD-ROM into the drive selected, then click OK to copy the program to your hard disk.
Now return to the Control Panel and double-click Multimedia. On the Audio tab, make sure your sound card is listed as the preferred device in the Playback section. Check the Show volume control on the taskbar box and click OK. The Volume icon should now appear on the right side of the Taskbar. Click it once for fast access to the Volume slider tool, or double-click it to open the Volume Control dialogue box.

Can't pump up the volume? Check that the Volumer Control app is installed in Windows 95
- Richard Jantz
Category: Multimedia
Issue: Oct 1997
Pages: 175