I want to rotate a live TV image 90 degrees, then use a video capture board to record it. Is this possible using an off-the-shelf TV tuner and video capture product, or does it require higher-end equipment?
- Timothy P Hench

Most PC video capture boards and TV tuners provide only a few basic image-manipulation features (such as colour, tint, brightness and contrast adjustment) when you record a video image. That's true regardless of the source -- TV, videotape, camcorder or videodisc. I don't know of any low-cost products that let you rotate an image 90 degrees and record it.
One alternative is to capture the image using the best video capture board and TV tuner you can afford; save the image as an .avi file; then use a top-notch video-editing program such as Adobe Premiere (http://www.adobe.com) or Ulead's MediaStudio Pro (http://www.ulead.com) to tilt the image and save the edited .avi file. This technique requires you to make a copy of the original -- which may produce a lower-quality image -- but the results may be good enough for your purposes.
- Richard Jantz
Category: Multimedia
Issue: Oct 1997
Pages: 175