We are trying to print a report in Tracker as follows. On one page we want the company details in the form of company name, street address, phone and fax. Then we want a list of all contacts at the same company. All we are managing to get at present is a complete record per contact. This is proving to be a real pain as we have on average 10 contacts per company and we are wasting heaps of paper. If you can help with such a report, we'd love to hear from you.
- Rob Thomas

What ever happened to the paperless office? Just tightening up the format of a report can save a lot of trees in the long run. We felt it was our environmental duty to ask a Tracker expert, Paul Battaini at MultiActive Software for an answer. His advice was to use a conditional report structure. Use an 'if' statement to detect when a new page is required. Use the following structure and make use of the conditional fields in the Tracker Word Processor.
{if Company Name is a new record} <page break>
--Insert Company Details here--
--Insert Contact Details here--
You have to make sure that you save the file as a Tracker report with an extension of .WRP (Word Processor Report format). There is a radio button you must select to make the document a report when you use the Save As function.
- Tony Locke
Category: Data management
Issue: Oct 1997
Pages: 158