For a number of years I have been using the Windows 3.11 Schedule+ program. I run three machines networked together at my home office, and have recently upgraded two to Windows 95, with one still running Win 3.11.
Win 95 does not have any built-in scheduler program as in 3.11. So I have tried copying the Schedplus files from Win 3.11 to Win 95, but seem to be unable to get the program to run. Ideally, I would like to be able to access the scheduler from any of the PCs on the network. I believe this is possible to do after talking to several people, even though none could tell me how.
You may have covered this topic once before in your help pages, but I would appreciate any help you could give me.
- Bill Sheehan

There is a new version of Schedule for Windows 95 but you need to buy it. You can run the version of Schedule+ included with Windows for Workgroups 3.11 in Windows 95. However, if you are also running Exchange, you can't access other people's schedules and you cannot send mail from Schedule+.
Try the following steps to get the Windows 3.11 Schedule working.
Firstly, create a new folder on the Windows 95 desktop and call it Schedule (make sure the folder name is less than 8 characters if you call it something else), then copy all the *.DLL files from the Windows directory of your Windows 3.11 machine to this folder. Schedule+ doesn't need all the DLL files to run, but it's tricky working out which ones to discard, so copy them all. Also copy schdplus.ini, schdplus.hlp, schdplus.exe, msmail.exe, msremind.exe and mailspl.exe to your new folder. Copy any .CAL Calender files over as well. You can create an icon for schdplus.exe on your desktop.
Edit your schdplus.ini to reflect the fact that you are now running Schedule from its own folder as follows:
[Microsoft Schedule+]
You should also be able to access other schedules over the network.
- Tony Locke

Older versions of Schedule+ still work with Win 95
Category: Win95, Networking
Issue: Oct 1997
Pages: 148