I currently use two operating systems: OS/2 Warp 3 and Windows 3.1.
When I want to use Windows, which is most of the time, I have to boot from a floppy. Is it possible to make it so that when I boot from the hard drive I get an option to use either OS/2 or Windows?
- Michael Alchin

You will need to make some space on your hard disk for a boot management program if you want avoid using a floppy disk. The obvious choice is to repartition your disk for use with OS/2's Boot Manager. The Boot Manager kicks in at startup time, letting you choose your OS for the session. Making alterations to your system partitions without destroying your data can be a risky business.
In essence, at least three partitions must be established. The Boot Manager partition, your Windows primary partition, and your OS/2 extended partition. So you may have to back up your C-drive, repartition it 1Mb smaller to make room for Boot Manager, and then restore it. The easiest option is to use PowerQuest's PartitionMagic (Checkmark Technologies: (02) 9957 6970) which lets you add, resize and delete partitions without losing your data. The current version of PartitionMagic includes IBM's Boot Manager and will even install it for you.
- Tony Locke
Category: OS/2, Win95
Issue: Aug 1997
Pages: 164