I have a computer which uses the Cyrix 6x86 P166+ CPU with 32Mb RAM. I have trouble running a few programs that check the CPU class and insist on Pentium before they load. Is there any way to get around this problem, such as a Pentium emulator program or the like?
- Andrew Luk

The Cyrix 6x86 processor is fully compatible with the Intel 486 and earlier processors, but it is not compatible with all the instructions of the Intel Pentium processor. In addition, the 6x86 was developed after Windows 95, and consequently Windows 95 identifies it incorrectly as a 486 processor. For most business software, this doesn't present a problem.
Some applications, especially games, may be compiled specifically for fast processors such as the Pentium. If the 6x86 is incorrectly identified, these apps may simply refuse to install.
Cyrix tests many popular software packages and games for compatibility. This information is available at Cyrix's Web site. For a list of applications, see http://www.cyrix.com/process/prodinfo/sw-list.htm and for games see http://www.cyrix.com/process/support/games.htm. In addition to compatibility information, this site offers a wealth of techniques, tricks and patches to fix a range of problems.
- Roy Chambers
Category: Hardware
Issue: Jul 1997
Pages: 165