I just found a totally cool "egg" in Excel 97. Try this out:
1. Open a new workbook.
2. Press F5 (Go To).
3. Type X97:L97.
4. Click OK.
5. Press Tab.
6. Press <Ctrl>-<Shift> and click on the Chart Wizard button.
Prepare for the best egg you have ever seen!
Maybe your readers would like this too.
- Sonny Wyatt

If you have ever wondered why software companies often release products later than expected, it could be because their programmers get side-tracked by creations like this!
For the uninitiated, an "egg" or "Easter egg" is a nugget of code buried deep in an application which, when activated, does something weird or wonderful. Easter eggs usually disclose hidden information about the people who developed the software. The procedure Sonny describes triggers a colourful animation reminiscent of a Martian landscape. Exploring the scene with your mouse, you may notice a stone slab inscribed with names of members of the Excel development team.
Similarly, if you're running Norton Utilities 95, try starting the System Doctor and choosing About Norton System Doctor from the Help menu. Press N U and W simultaneously to see a picture of Norton developers posing on a beach (warning: this isn't as exciting as it sounds).
For more gems, check out http://weber.u.washington.edu/~davidnf/egg.html.
- Neville Clarkson
Category: Internet, General
Issue: Jun 1997
Pages: 150-152