Hello, Neale. Recently I saw a setup where Netscape had its options menu dimmed thus preventing the kids or whoever from changing the setup. Netscape won't help me as I have an "ISP provided copy of Netscape" and my service provider doesn't know. Can you tell me how to do it ?
Also, I used to start Word 6 without opening a new document as its default. I just want to open it then select and open a doc of my choice; however since a virus attack I have had to reload Word and now can't remember how I did it.
Thanks for a great mag and even more thanks for the Help screen part.
- Jeff

Thanks, Jeff. There's a Kiosk mode you can use which stops Netscape from showing any menus at all. It's just a -k option on the command line. This doesn't give you a URL box either. This might help you. There's also a Netscape Navigator administration toolkit that lets you customise it. This costs money. For information see
Apart from that I don't know how to dim menus selectively. If anyone else knows, please write in.
Starting Word without a document loaded is also a command line option. It doesn't work in Windows 95, which is very sad. The command line option is /n
What's more useful is to open the document you last edited. To do this add /mFile1 to the command line.
winword.exe /n /m<macroname starts Word without a document open and runs the macro macroname.
winword.exe /t<templatename starts Word with a different template.
See also the Microsoft Knowledgebase document http://www.microsoft.com/kb/deskapps/word/q97687.htm
Here's some of what it says:
This applies to Microsoft Word for Windows, versions 2.0, 2.0a, 2.0a-CD, 2.0b, 2.0c, 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0c and Microsoft Word for Windows 95, version 7.0
In Windows 95 you can use a switch on the command line to create a new file from a specified template. Create a shortcut for Word or edit an existing one.
2) With the right mouse button, click the shortcut. Click Properties.
3) Click the Shortcut tab and change the Target line to:
c:\<WordFolder\winword.exe /t<templatename
where <templatename includes the full path to the template. If the path or the template file name uses a long file name, enclose the path in double quotation marks. Make sure there is no space between the /t switch and <templatename.
In Windows 3.x, you can create a macro to open a file based on a new template.
Create an example macro as follows:
1. On the Tools menu, click Macro.
2. In the Macro Name box, enter the name of the template you want Word to use when it starts, such as Memo2, and click Create (click Edit in Word 2.x).
3. Between the Sub Main and End Sub statements, add the following macro statement.
FileNew .NewTemplate = 0, .Template = "c:\winword\template\Memo2.dot"
Note: Specify any valid template name for the .Template parameter.
If any part of the path or the template file name uses long file names, you must enclose the .template argument inside double quotation marks. In place of quotation marks you must use Chr$(34), eg
FileNew .NewTemplate = 0, .Template = Chr$(34) + "c:\msoffice\templates\memos\Elegant Memo.dot"+ Chr$(34)
4. On the File menu, click Close. When prompted, choose to save changes to the global macro.
5. On the File menu, click Exit. In Word 2.x, choose to save global glossary and command changes when prompted.
6. Use one of the following procedures to set up different icons to start Word for Windows with your commonly used Word for Windows templates.
Now in a Program Manager group create a new icon for Word with the following text in the Command Line box:
c:\<WordFolder\winword.exe /n /m<macroname
The /n switch starts Word for Windows without opening a document. The /m<macroname switch automatically runs the specified macro when Word for Windows is started. Note: There is no space between the /m switch and the macro name. <WordFolder is the name of your Word for Windows folder.
For example:
c:\winword\winword.exe /n /mMemo2
- Neale Morison
Category: Word processing, Internet
Issue: Nov 1996
Pages: 152-154