I recently updated my PC from a 486DX2/66, 8Mb RAM running DOS & Windows 3.1 to a Pentium 166, 32Mb RAM with Windows 95. Now I can't seem to get my Web browser to work. Both Netscape and Internet Explorer give me the error "Unable to create Network Socket connection".
All my other Internet programs work (newsgroups, IRC, e-mail, telnet, ftp) but no matter what I do, the browsers don't. I put the IP and name server addresses for my service provider into the Windows dialer; I selected PPP as the Dial up Server, and set the network protocol to TCP/IP. I ran it with a script and without, manually typing in PPP and my username and password. I even tried Trumpet, which worked fine on my old computer. But I still get the same problem. Any Help would by greatly appreciated.
- Scott Hester

You cannot use your old 16-bit version of Trumpet Winsock with Windows 95. If you want to continue to use Trumpet Winsock, a 32-bit Windows 95 version is available. Most 16-bit Internet applications will work with Windows 95, but not all. If you are not using the 32-bit versions of Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, try downloading and installing them.
When troubleshooting Internet problems, if you can use any one Internet application, it usually means that your connection is functioning and that the problem is therefore application-specific. However, this is not always true. E-mail and newsgroups operate off servers that are located locally at your Internet Service Provider. If for some reason you can access these and other local servers, but cannot connect to ftp, telnet and Web servers elsewhere, then either your Service Provider has a problem or your TPC/IP is configured incorrectly. If you are providing an IP number for e-mail and newsgroups rather than an address, then it could be that your DNS is specified incorrectly. Another thing to check is whether your gateway setting in the TCP/IP properties box (Control Panel--Network) is correct.
- Roy Chambers

Configure your Internet gateways in the TCP/IP Properties dialogue box
Category: Internet
Issue: Apr 1997
Pages: 161-162