After a recent promotion, I inherited a desk, a computer, and a copy of Word from a former employee. The trouble is that she had altered many of Word's toolbars by removing some buttons and adding others.
I'm accustomed to Word's normal toolbars, so I find the customised ones worthless, and I hate using the menus. Somehow I need to get Word back to its original settings. Is there a way to do this, short of completely reinstalling the program?
- Linda Whitehall

That's one of the problems with today's software. Users are given the freedom to customise features until those features are no longer recognisable. A program that's tailored to fit one person's habits and preferences may look like a mess to the next user. Fortunately, it's easy to return Word to its default settings.
Fire up Word, then right-click any toolbar and select Toolbars from the menu that pops up, as shown in Figure 2. In the resulting dialogue box, use the cursor keys (not the mouse) to highlight each toolbar in turn. Click the Reset button, then click OK in the Reset Toolbar dialogue box. Make sure to follow these steps even for the toolbars that are not currently checked.
Once you've reset all the toolbars, click OK to finish up. The changes will take place immediately. When you exit Word, all your changes will be saved automatically.
- George Campbell
Category: Word processing
Issue: Dec 1996
Pages: 168