Seeing clearly

Here are tips to make Web sites accessible to sight-impaired viewers:
1. Offer text-only versions of your pages. Place the hot link to the text version at the very top of the page so surfers with screen readers don't have to listen to the entire page in order to find it.
2. Skip the magenta fish-scale background with white letters. Aim for high contrast between text and background. White lettering on black is best for low-vision computer users. Use big, bold letters.
3. Avoid tables if you can. If you can't, provide a link to a text version of the table.
4. Include a description of each picture, or a link to a page describing the picture.
5. If you use an image map, provide a link to a page offering the map's links in text form.
- Judy Heim

Category: Internet
Issue: Mar 1997
Pages: 193

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