I am acquiring a new computer with Windows 95. From your article in the November issue (p166), I understand that the cluster size for a large hard drive (mine is 2.5Gb) is 32K. You say that the use of the program DriveSpace 3 will give sectors of 512 bytes instead. Please let me know how I can obtain this program.
- Reg Manus

DriveSpace 3 can be purchased as part of the Microsoft Plus! pack for Windows 95. If you buy a new computer with Windows 95 pre-installed it will come with Windows 95 OEM Release 2 (or Win95b as it is also called). This uses FAT32 which you will need for a hard drive bigger than 2.04Gb. This is only a problem if you want to have your computer dual boot with Windows NT or Windows 95 because neither of these is compatible with FAT32.
Both FAT16 and DriveSpace 3 can only handle drives up to 2.04Gb, which on your drive will waste 0.5Gb of hard disk space. A quick fix for large hard drives is to create multiple partitions, none of which can be larger than 1Gb or 32K clusters will be used. The smaller cluster size possible in each partition means less wastage.
- Roy Chambers
Category: Win95
Issue: Mar 1997
Pages: 168