I made some mistakes when adding words to my custom dictionary in Word 6.0. As a result, when I mistype these words, Word's spelling checker doesn't flag them as errors. How do I fix my dictionary?
- Li Yu

Word stores its custom dictionary as an easy-to-edit ASCII file. Select Tools--Options, then click the Spelling tab in the Options dialogue box. Choose the dictionary you want to edit from the Custom Dictionaries list and click Edit. Click Yes in the resulting dialogue box, and click OK if asked to confirm the file format type. Click OK in the Options dialogue box to close it, then make your changes in custom.dic. Select File--Save, then File--Close.
In Word 7, click the Custom Dictionaries button in the Options dialogue box before choosing the dictionary you want to edit.
- George Campbell
Category: Word processing
Issue: Feb 1997
Pages: 172