Before upgrading to Win95, I used Media Player to watch QuickTime movies, but Win95 seems less than enamoured of it. What can I do?
- Alhaji Jalloh

You don't specify what problems you're having with QuickTime movies, but the tips below should help improve their performance:
1. Choose Start--Settings--Control Panel and double-click the Mouse icon. Click the Pointers tab and from the Scheme list, select a collection of black-and-white pointers, such as the Windows Standard. Also, click the Motion tab and make sure the Enable check box is empty.
2. Use Notepad or another text editor to open the qtw.ini file in the Windows folder. Find the [Video] heading, and underneath add a line that says optimize=driver (if it's not already there).
3. Check with your video board's manufacturer for the latest drivers, which you may be able to download from their Web site or BBS.
- Scott Dunn
Category: Win95, Multimedia
Issue: Dec 1996
Pages: 162