Have you ever deleted a file by accident? Of course not. If you're an OS purist like me, you probably eschew system utilities like Norton Utilities, leave NT's Recycle Bin disabled, and smoke unfiltered Camels while topping off the gas tank. To avert a deletion disaster, install Norton Utilities for Windows NT (www.symantec.com.au) or Executive Software's Undelete for Windows NT (www.execsoft.com; $US75). Both of these handy programs replace NT's standard Recycle Bin with enhanced versions that preserve files even when they've been deleted from the system's command prompt or from other workstations. Still, my favourite utility is free: Emergency Undelete from Executive Software. Though it carries fewer features than Undelete for Windows NT, Emergency Undelete retrieves deleted files from both NTFS and FAT partitions ù even if you deleted them prior to installing the program. Download Emergency Undelete at www.executive.com/undelete/eudfree/eudguest.htm or from this monthÆs CD. Caption: Emergency Undelete lets you retrieve deleted files in NT - Scott Spanbauer |
Category:windows NT Issue: November 1999 |
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