
Ladies and Gentlemen,

let me introduce our magazine Elektronika.
The first issue of the journal was published in 1987. The journal belongs to the IDG group since July 1991. Elektronika is a full-colour monthly journal dealing with electronics and computer technology. Besides PC hardware and software, it covers another fields, especially computer graphics and communication systems. Its range of publicity area is much wider than in other technical journals in this field. A circulation of Elektronika is 15.500 copies. Approximately 70 % is send to subscribers. The rest of the circulation is being sold in shops and stands.

We were successful in creating a new graphic style of the journal and just now Elektronika has 68 pages. The content of the journal is enriched with comparison tests of products. We finished testing Uniterruptible Power Systems, Faxmodems, Harddiscs and Colour Printers. We cooperate with the IDG TESTcenter and with external professional experts.

We intent to increase the number of articles on communication technologies (those are radiocommunications, telecommunications and satellite transmissions) as well. This and another intentions can make a pressure to our competitors who are oriented mainly to the PC technologies. To compare with these journals we have lower selling price, nearly one half of the price of other magazines.

In case of your interest we are willing to provide you with more information.

Best regards

Martin Kybal


IDG Czechoslovakia, a.s.
Seydlerova 2451/11
155 00 Prague 5

tel.: 420-2-570 88 111
fax: 420-2-652 08 12

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