EZ-PGP Version 1.0 Beta Release 1 By TNG Lover: tnglover@netnet.net README NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This is a beta version of EZ-PGP (1.0 Beta 1). It will expire on December 1, 1995, but you can still use the program after that date. Please see the EZ-PGP manual. If you find any problems, or if you have a suggestion, e-mail me at tnglover@netnet.net. When this version expires, you can get a new version at the same place you got this version. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: EZ-PGP has been alpha tested with PGP version 2.6.2, and is not guaranteed with previous versions of PGP. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: To reduce the size of this archive, EZ-PGP does NOT include a copy of PGP, which is required to run EZ-PGP. However, you can get PGP Version 2.6.2 (if you are a American citizen) by: TELNET - net-dist.mit.edu - Login: getpgp WWW - http://bs.mit.edu:8001/pgp-form.html Answer the provided questions to find out where to get PGP 2.6.2. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: To install EZ-PGP, you MUST use the -d option in PKUNZIP: pkunzip -d ez-pgp.zip c:\ez-pgp ----------------------------------------------------------------- END OF README FILE