Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES\ LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo REGUTIL RegUtilAmIAdministrator SERVUTIL removeProcess SERVUTIL stopService SERVUTIL removeService SERVUTIL startService SERVUTIL isServiceRunning SERVUTIL installService ObjectTeam REGUTIL.DLL REGUTIL.DLL You must have administrative privileges to continue with the installation procedure. ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0a Server Software has been $ detected. Setup will stop the ObjectTeam $ services and remove the existing installation $ registry information $ before installing the new software. ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0a Client Software has been $ detected. Setup will remove the existing installation $ registry information $ before installing the new software. Installed Software Query! Remove 4.0 installation tree b! Do a new installation (keep current installation).2K Cayenne Software Inc.a ObjectTeama 6.1.1a otk.exe$ \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam \System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerNameR ComputerName2* Cayenne Software License Agreement$ Please read the following license a& agreement. Use the scroll bar to view $ the rest of this agreement. Do you accept all of the term of the a above license agreement? If you $ select No, setup will exit without installing the software. caysoft.lic ObjectTeam( Welcome to %P setup upgrade program. aE Before you continue, make sure that all repositories have completely $ been dumped with dbutil. Welcome to %P setup program. This program will upgrade the a existing %P server installation. Welcome to %P setup program. This program will upgrade the a existing %P client installation. An ObjectTeam server installation has been detected. aC This installation can not be changed because you are not logged on $ as Administrator. $ Please log on as Administrator to run this setup or uninstall$ the ObjectTeam server installation first before running this setup. Welcome to %P client setup program. This program will upgrade the a existing %P client installation. Welcomeb Software has been detected. Select Upgrade to replace all installation files. Upgrade Software Query Upgrade installation2M This upgrade won't change any file of the existing installation if a new installation directory is selected. But it will remove the installed services. After this setup the installation can then be used by starting the services from the commandline. Do you want to continue? This upgrade will remove the existing installation. All additions or changes made to the installation will also be removed. If there are any existing repositories, make sure you have run a dbdump and backed up all data. Do not remove this data, it will be used for rebuilding the database into Sybase SQL Anywhere databases. Do you want to continue? This upgrade won't change any file of the existing installation if a new installation directory is selected. But it will remove the installed services. After this setup the installation can then be used by starting the services from the commandline. Do you want to continue? This upgrade will remove the existing installation. All additions or changes made to the installation will also be removed. Do you want to continue? This upgrade won't change any file of the existing installation if a new installation directory is selected. However, after this setup the installation can not be used anymore. Do you want to continue? This upgrade will remove the existing installation. All additions or changes made to the installation will also be removed. Do you want to continue? Confirmation to upgrade( ObjectTeam 6.1.1a Software has been detected. Select Upgrade to replace all installation files. Upgrade Software Query Upgrade installation2M This upgrade won't change any file of the existing installation if a new installation directory is selected. However, after this setup the installation can not be used anymore. Do you want to continue? This upgrade will remove the existing installation. All additions or changes made to the installation will also be removed. Do you want to continue? Confirmation to upgrade( An ObjectTeam server installation requires a$ Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 files on $ your system. These can be loaded with this setup.$ It needs an additional 10 MBytes of diskspace. Sybase SQL Anywhere installation Also install Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 files2= Use installed Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 installation2> Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA ObjectTeam requires that the variables SQLANY and Path for Sybase SQL Anywhere are set in System Environment of the Operating system. These were not found or not properly set. Restoring RDBMS data of existing repositories into Sybase SQL Anywhere will fail during this setup. This will not make these repositories corrupt. For actually using these repositories the restoring have to be done after this setup has finished. Do you want to continue? The ObjectTeam server upgrade requires at least an additional 20MB diskspace. This is not available. Do you want to continue? The ObjectTeam client upgrade requires at least an additional 10MB diskspace. This is not available. Do you want to continue? InstallationDirectory2* Unable to load installation directory from the Windows registryA File Components ObjectTeam DeinstKeyA ObjectTeam 6.1.1( Unable to change company name in registryA GENERAL ObjectTeam 5.1.1 ObjectTeam 5.2.1 m4enva M4_orb_linger= 10A m4enva M4_orb_linger__lockserver= 1A ObjectTeam( Welcome to %P setup program. This program will installa %P on your system. Welcome to %P client setup program. If you want to do a %P servera3 installation, you have to log on as Administrator. Welcome to %P client setup program. This program will installa %P on your system. Welcomeb SERVUTIL.DLL Tcpip SERVUTIL.DLL Setup detects that the TCP/IP service is not running. Has Tcpip been a9 installed and configured as instructed in the ObjectTeam $ Installation Guide? Setup can continue with the installation, but $ ObjectTeam 6.1.1$ will not run until the above problem is resolved. Would you like to continue now? Please make sure that TCP/IP has been configured a> properly as instructed in the ObjectTeam Installation Guide. Would you like to continue with the installation now? ObjectTeam 6.1.1a Required Services Query; C:\Cayenne\Objectteam File Components Server FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA For a Master server: select Server, SQL Anywhere, and Client Files. For a Slave server: select Server and SQL Anywhere Files. For a Client: select Client Files. Client Files! Server Files! Setup cannot continue since neither client component nor server component is selected. Server FilesA Client FilesA Help FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 Files! Server Files! You do not need to install Sybase SQL Anywhere for a client installation. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA Setup found existing installation in given directory. Please use an empty directory for this setup. Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 Files! Server Files! ObjectTeam requires that the variables SQLANY and Path for Sybase SQL Anywhere are set in System Environment of the Operating system. These were not found or not properly set. You can continue this setup. But before starting ObjectTeam you have to correct this and reboot the system. Do you want to continue? Server Files! \corproot ObjectTeam DeinstKeyA ObjectTeam 6.1.1 GENERAL Configuring installation... Server Files! Slave Server Configuration$ Enter the Master Server hostname, and the network a@ repository drive UNC path. The UNC path has the following form: \\\ Master Servera UNC PathR3 The UNC path must be in the form of: \\\A Server Files! ObjectTeam User Account$ Please enter the user account name, the domain in which the user a@ account resides, and the password. ObjectTeam services will run $ under this account. Logona Domaina Passworda Verify PasswordR. Password is not verified. Please re-enter.A Setup can't install the ObjectTeam services. You may have entered an invalid user account. Server Files! Client Files! Server Information Enter the server hostname and the broker port number. Servera PortR- Server's Broker Port Information Enter the broker port number that will be used by the server. PortR, Repository Name Enter the name of the default repository. RepositoryR" 12033! Select the default target language.$ Once you have selected the language you wish to install, press the next button to continue ComponentJ CORBA IDLA Informix NewEraA JavaA SmalltalkA Power BuilderA Visual BasicA ForteA Ada 83A Ada 95A Target languageb CORBA IDL! Informix NewEra! Java! SmallTalk! Power Builder! Visual Basic! Forte! Ada 83! Ada 95! Package Type Select the default type of package. Gen28 Informix29 Oracle2: SQLServer2; Sybase2< objserversa lockserverR objserversb; objserversa lockserverR objserversb; M4_HOMEA M4_HOMEb$ AUTOEXEC.OMT Installation is complete.( Setup is complete. In order for the system a configuration changes $ to take effect, you need to reboot the system. Setup is complete and ObjectTeam is ready for use. In order to check aB if all variables are set correctly when the system reinitializes, $ you can reboot the system. Setup is complete. In order for the system a configuration changes $ to take effect, you need to reboot the system. Reboot Option ObjectTeam SetupA OTLOGO.BMP6 \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeamforOMT Product Directory2 MasterServer2 \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeamforOMT \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0/01 InstallationDirectory2 InstalledComponents2 Server( Server FilesA Client( Client FilesA Help( Help FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeamforOMT \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0/02 InstallationDirectory2 InstalledComponents2 Server( Server FilesA Client( Client FilesA Help( Help FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA InstallationType2 MasterServer( SlaveServer( Server FilesA \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam 6.1.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam 5.2.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam 5.1.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam for OMT 5.1.1 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0/02 InstallationDirectory2 4.0/01 InstallationDirectory2 \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeamforOMT 4.0/02 InstallationDirectory2 4.0/01 InstallationDirectory2 m4envR InstalledComponents2 Client FilesA Help FilesA Server FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA Server( Server FilesA Client( Client FilesA Help( Help FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA Stopping ObjectTeam services... ObjectTeamBrokerA ObjectTeamLicenseServerA PortmapA SERVUTIL.DLL dbserver lockserver ot_broker SERVUTIL.DLL \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeamforOMT Product Directory2 Removing registry information... \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR Path2 PathB \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentQ M4_HOMEA M4_LICENSE_FILEA M4_SERVICESA META4USERENVA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ObjectTeamBroker \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ObjectTeamLicenseServer \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PortmapR Group2 Ot_service( Removing program group...= ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0 The 4.0 registry information has been removed successfully. Preparing directory for deletion... Deleting installation directory...? M4_HOMEA AUTOEXEC.OT Error deleting the installation directory.$ Some files cannot be removed from: Some processes may be accessing the files, or the permission on the files cannot be set to read/write. Please remove the files manually before continuing. Would you like to continue now? Persistent Files Query! The 4.0 installation has been removed successfully. Server Files! Stopping ObjectTeam services... ObjectTeamBrokerA ObjectTeamLicenseServerA ObjectTeamPortmapA SERVUTIL.DLL dbserver lockserver ot_broker SERVUTIL.DLL \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeamforOMT \SOFTWARE\a Cadre Technologies Inc.$ ObjectTeam 4.0/01 4.0/02 InstallationDirectory2 Removing registry information... \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR Path2 PathB \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentQ M4_HOMEA Server Files! M4_LICENSE_FILEA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ObjectTeamBroker \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ObjectTeamLicenseServer \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ObjectTeamPortmap Removing program group... Renaming b to ot4omt.$$1 /C rename b ot4omt.$$1 CMD.EXEb COMMAND.COMb The registry information has been removed successfully. Preparing directory for deletion... Deleting installation directory...? M4_HOMEA AUTOEXEC.OT Error deleting installation directory.$ Some files cannot be removed from: Some processes may be accessing the files, or the permission on the files cannot be set to read/write. Please remove the files manually before continuing. Would you like to continue now? Persistent Files Query! The previous installation has been removed successfully. Server FilesA Client FilesA Help FilesA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR M4_HOME2 Path2 PathB \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR M4_HOME2 Path2 \sqlany50\win32; \sqlany50\win32 PathB \sqlany50\win32# PathB \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR SQLANY2 win32 Path2 win321 ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0-02= ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0= ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0-01= ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0.01= ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0/01= ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0.02= ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0/02 \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment, \Environment \M4_HOME M4_HOMEA \M4_LICENSE_FILE Removing Installation files...# SERVUTIL.DLL dbserver ot_broker lockserver dbeng50 SERVUTIL.DLL Deleting directory b \bin$$$1 Deleting directory b \bin$$$1 \bin$$$1 dbserver.exea dbserver.exex lockserver.exea lockserver.exe \bitmaps Deleting directory b \config Deleting directory b \contrib Deleting directory b \demo Deleting directory b Deleting directories in b FindAllDirs failedA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR m4_license_file2 objservers# m4env# objserversR objserversa objservers.sav m4envR m4enva m4env.sav .savx \help Deleting directory b Deleting directory b \bitmaps Deleting directory b \reports Deleting directory b \sqlany50 Deleting directory b Deleting directory b \templates Deleting directory b DeIsL1.isuR Error deleting installation directory.$ Some files cannot be removed from: Some processes may be accessing the files, or the permission on the files cannot be set to read/write. Please remove the files manually before continuing. Would you like to continue now? Persistent Files Query! The installation files have been removed successfully. objservers.savR objserversR objservers.origR objserversa objservers.orig objserverse objservers.sav7 dbserver! objservers.sava objservers m4env.savR m4envR m4envR m4env.origR m4enva m4env.orig m4env.sava m4env .sav) license.datR .orig) .origx license.datb: .savx license.dat license.datR License File$ Enter the complete path to the license file, including its directory a5 and file name. The license file will be copied into: % PathnameR) can't be found.* license.dat license.dat \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\EnvironmentR M4_HOME2 Stopping ObjectTeam services... SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeamBroker \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamLicenseServer ObjectTeamLicenseServer \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamPortmap ObjectTeamPortmap SERVUTIL.DLL SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeamBroker \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamLicenseServer ObjectTeamLicenseServer \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamPortmap ObjectTeamPortmap SERVUTIL.DLL Starting ObjectTeam services... SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeamBroker SERVUTIL.DLL contrib\*.*BO demo\*.*BO doc\*.*BO bitmaps\*.*BO config\*.*BO etc\*.*BO reports\*.*BO tcl\*.*BO bin\lmgr325c.dllA bin\adadb.exeA bin\compare_phase.exeA bin\fcomp.exeA bin\otk.exeA bin\otprint.exeA bin\otsh.exeA bin\reveng_cpp.exeA bin\reveng_ne.exeA bin\reveng_st.exeA bin\reveng_java.exeA bin\reveng_pb.exeA bin\reveng_vb.exeA bin\genpbl.exeA bin\compord.exeA bin\revengada83.exeA bin\reveng_ada83.exeA bin\revengada95.exeA bin\reveng_ada95.exeA bin\revengada83.exeA bin\var2oo.exeA bin\rmf.batA bin\udmcmp.exeA bin\otexport.batA bin\m4env.exeA bin\m4version.exeA Client FilesB help\*.*BO Help FilesB bitmaps\*.*BO etc\objserversA etc\message\*.*BO tcl\*.*BO logs\*.*BO templates\*.*BO bin\dbdump.exeA bin\dboptimize.exeA bin\dbserver.exeA bin\lockserver.exeA bin\m4env.exeA bin\m4version.exeA bin\ot_broker.exeA bin\brokerservice.exeA bin\otk.exeA Server FilesB sqlany50\*.*BO Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesB Server Files! Extracting server files...% etc\m4envA bitmaps bitmaps\*.*A etc\objserversA etc\message etc\message\*.*A tcl\*.*A templates templates\*.*A logs\*.*A bin\dbdump.exeA bin\dboptimize.exeA bin\dbserver.exeA bin\lockserver.exeA bin\ot_broker.exeA bin\brokerservice.exeA bin\m4env.exeA bin\m4version.exeA bin\otk.exeA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 Files! sqlany50 sqlany50\*.*A Client Files! Extracting client files...K Server Files! tcl\*.*A bin\otk.exeA bin\m4env.exeA bin\m4version.exeA bitmaps bitmaps\*.*A contrib contrib\*.*A config config\*.*A demo\*.*A etc\*.*A reports reports\*.*A bin\lmgr325c.dllA bin\compare_phase.exeA bin\fcomp.exeA bin\otprint.exeA bin\otsh.exeA bin\reveng_cpp.exeA bin\reveng_ne.exeA bin\reveng_st.exeA bin\reveng_java.exeA bin\reveng_pb.exeA bin\reveng_vb.exeA bin\genpbl.exeA bin\adadb.exeA bin\compord.exeA bin\revengada83.exeA bin\reveng_ada83.exeA bin\revengada95.exeA bin\reveng_ada95.exeA bin\rmf.batA bin\udmcmp.exeA bin\otexport.batA bin\var2oo.exeA Help Files! Extracting help files...% help\*.*A doc\*.*A Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number: $ Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 Files! system32 CTL3D32.DLLR SystemFiles Extracting system file... bin\CTL3D32.DLLA Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number: $ InstallationDirectoryA Server Files! ServerTypeA MasterA ServerTypeA SlaveA Server: Client Files! Client: Help Files! Help: Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 Files! InstalledComponentsA otk.exeG \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstalla ObjectTeam OMT DeinstKey Failed to delete old uninstall key from registriesA \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pathsa otk.exe Failed to delete 'App Paths' from registriesA InstalledComponents2 SSA:Q InstalledComponentsA InstallationDirectory2 InstallationDirectoryA InstalledComponents2 InstalledComponentsA ServerType2 ServerTypeA \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam InstallationDirectory2 InstallationDirectoryA InstalledComponents2 InstalledComponentsA ServerType2 ServerTypeA InstalledComponents2 Server( server( Server FilesA Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 FilesA Client( client( Client FilesA Help( help( Help FilesA objservers.savR Can not restore repository data because no objservers.sav file was found.A ot_broker.batR ot_broker.batA ot_broker.bat ot_broker.bat$ set SQLANY=b \sqlany50 set PATH=b \sqlany50\win32$ ;%PATH% \bin\ot_broker.exe ot_broker.bat objservers.sav7 dbserver! \corproot\% \corproot Setup found existing repository: "b Correct values for the Repository directory and the new database directory if they are not right. Restore Repositoryb= Repos. dir.a New DB. dir.R \bin\dbdump.exe -d b -a -c -i -r $ dbdump.batR dbdump.batA dbdump.bat dbdump.bat$ set SQLANY=b \sqlany50 set PATH=b \sqlany50\win32$ ;%PATH% pause dbdump.bat dbdump.batA dbdump.bat, At least one of the directories isa not filled in. Do you want to skip the restoring of$ this repository? Confirmation to skip( Type existing directory names.A ot_broker.bat ot_broker.exe ot_broker.batA ot_broker.bat objservers.sava objservers.old ServerType2 Master( Server Type$ Select the type of server. a) Please read Installation guide regarding $ Slave Server configuration. Master Server2 Slave Server2 m4enva# M4_package=ObjectTeam-OMT/SQLServerA m4enva" M4_package=ObjectTeam-OMT/InformixA m4enva M4_package=ObjectTeam-OMT/OracleA m4enva M4_package=ObjectTeam-OMT/SybaseA m4enva M4_package=ObjectTeam-OMT/GenA m4enva M4_target_lang=cppA m4enva M4_target_lang=ada83A m4enva M4_target_lang=ada95A m4enva M4_target_lang=corbaA m4enva M4_target_lang=javaA m4enva M4_target_lang=neA m4enva M4_target_lang=pbA m4enva M4_target_lang=stA m4enva M4_target_lang=vbA m4enva M4_target_lang=forteA M4_brokerport=b, m4envb: Server Files! etc\objservers$ M4_services=b: m4envb; M4_imphost=b m4envb: m4enva M4_orb_linger= 10A m4enva M4_orb_linger__lockserver= 1A M4_nameserverhost=b3 m4envb: M4_network_repository_drive_unc_path=b4 m4envb: m4enva M4_orb_linger= 30A m4enva #M4_levelpath=/repositorynameA M4_levelpath=b" m4envb: Server Files! Client Files! M4_imphost=b- m4envb: m4enva #M4_levelpath=/repositorynameA M4_levelpath=b" m4envb: \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment, \Environment M4_HOMEA Server Files! Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 Files! sqlany50Q SQLANYA Path2 sqlany50% win32 sqlany50% win32$ PathB ObjectTeam 6.1.1 ObjectTeam 6.1.1 ObjectTeam 6.1.1N ObjectTeam 6.1.1A bin\otk.exe tcl\reptoolpop.tcl Server Files! -- corpmanvie.tcl CorpManView: ObjectTeam 6.1.1a Corporate Managementb< Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0.03 Files! sqlany50\win32\dbsvmn50.exe ObjectTeam 6.1.1a Service Managerb -- userenvvie.tcl UserEnvView: ObjectTeam 6.1.1a User Environmentb< -- lockmanvie.tcl LockManView: ObjectTeam 6.1.1a Lock Managementb< -- csconfigvi.tcl CSConfigView: ObjectTeam 6.1.1a Client Server Configurationb< tcl\desk.tcl Client Files! ObjectTeam 6.1.1a Browserb; Help Files! help\objteam.hlp winhlp32.exe b ObjectTeam 6.1.1a On-line Helpb: winhlp32.exeA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa SERVUTIL.DLL ObjectTeamBrokerP ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeam Broker% bin\brokerservice.exe ObjectTeam Services! SERVUTIL.DLL SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamPortmap \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamLicenseServer \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0-01/ ObjectTeam for OMT 4.0-02/ ObjectTeam 5.1.1/ ObjectTeam 5.1.1/ ObjectTeam 5.2.1/ ObjectTeam 6.1.1/ SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeamBroker SERVUTIL.DLL Stopping ObjectTeam services... SERVUTIL.DLL \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servicesa ObjectTeamBroker ObjectTeamBroker SERVUTIL.DLL \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam$ 5.1.1 Failed to remove 5.1.1 register keyA \SOFTWARE\a Cayenne Software Inc.$ ObjectTeam$ 5.2.1 Failed to remove 5.2.1 register keyA \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environmenta M4_LICENSE_FILE Failed to remove M4_license_file register keyA C:\DTEXT23\BIN$ Please Enter the location of the DynaText browser. This location will be appended to the existing pathname Directory %s does not exist, you can correct this later, when you have installed DynaText Directoryb SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment Path2 %SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%system32;$ PathA PathA PATHb edit( SETUPSTR862R: Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. Errorb; _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdConfirmNewDir! ResultA SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdShowInfoList! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdDisplayTopics! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdShowDlgEdit1! ResultA szEdit1A SdShowEdit1! szEdit1A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit2! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A SdShowEdit2! szEdit1A szEdit2A ResultA SdShowDlgEdit3! ResultA szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A szEdit4A SdShowEdit3! szEdit1A szEdit2A szEdit3A szEdit4A ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogAdv! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialogAdv! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdOptionsButtons! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdBitmap! ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdLicense! ResultA ResultA SdStartCopy! ResultA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA SdFinish! ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A _MRQ^, 3.00.077