:Base objteam.hlp 1 Working with the browser 2 What is the browser ?=BR_br 2 Navigating the repository with the browser=BR_t_nvrep 2 Opening a browser object=BR_m_op 2 Closing a browser object=BR_m_clo 2 Deleting a browser object=BR_t_rmvobj 2 Display information about a browser object=BR_m_inf 2 Edit properties of a browser object=BR_m_pry 2 What is a Corporate ?=BR_o_cpr 2 What is a Project ?=BR_o_pj 2 What is a Configuration ?=BR_o_cfg 2 What is a Phase ?=BR_o_ph 2 What is a System ?=BR_o_sys 2 Importing data from one phase to the other=BR_m_impfpp 2 Comparing data with the previous phase=BR_m_cmp 1 Working with diagrams and files 2 What is a FileVersion ?=BR_o_flv 2 Opening a diagram=UDE_m_obn 2 Resizing a diagram=UDE_m_zm 2 Changing the color within a diagram=UDE_m_colr 2 Customizing the control panel of a diagram editor=CMZ_db_pnl 2 Checking a diagram=UDE_m_ckcts 2 Printing a diagram=BR_m_pt 2 Selecting diagram objects=UDE_t_sldgob 2 Resizing diagram objects=UDE_t_rzdgob 2 Editing text in diagram objects=UDE_t_edtxt 2 Specifying entry rules for labels ( syntax )=UDE_m_stx 2 Changing the label font=UDE_m_ft 2 What is an Item ?=UDE_o_item 2 Specifying item properties=UDE_m_ipry 2 Customizing item properties=CMZ_tl_cmz_propdefs 2 Changing the scope of an item=UDE_m_edsc 2 Deleting undefined items=BR_m_rmvui 2 Navigating between diagrams=UDE_m_op 2 Creating a Class Association Diagram 3 What is a Class Association Diagram ?=UDE_o_cad 3 Creating a class=UDE_t_crcla 3 Defining the attributes of a class=UDE_t_dfatt 3 Defining the properties of an attribute=UDE_t_dfatpr 3 Defining the accessibility of an attribute=UDE_t_dfacat 3 Defining the operations of a class=UDE_t_dfopr 3 Defining the properties of an operation=UDE_t_dfoppr 3 Defining the accessibility of an operation=UDE_t_dfacop 3 Defining the properties of a class=UDE_t_dfclpr 3 Associating classes=UDE_t_asscla 3 Defining the attributes of an association ( link attributes=UDE_t_dfasat 3 Defining the properties of an association=UDE_t_dfaspr 3 Defining the accessibility of an association=UDE_t_dfacas 3 Associating more than two classes ( n - ary association )=UDE_t_nasscl 3 Defining an association as class=UDE_t_dfascl 3 Defining an association as " ordered"=UDE_t_dford 3 Aggregating classes=UDE_t_aggcla 3 Checking a Class Association Diagram=UDE_m_ckcts 3 Finding a class in a Class Association Diagram=CLABR_tl_clabr 2 Creating a State Transition Diagram 3 What is a State Transition Duagram ?=UDE_o_std 3 Creating an transition=UDE_s_tra 3 Creating a STD Class=UDE_s_stcla 3 Creating an event message=UDE_s_evmsg 3 Creating a superstate=UDE_s_sust 3 Checking a State Transition Diagram=UDE_m_ckcts 1 Managing versions of browser objects 2 What is a version ?=BR_m_vs_understand 2 Creating new versions=BR_m_vs_new 2 Removing versions=BR_m_vs_delete 2 Freezing versions=BR_m_vs_freeze 2 Unfreezing versions=BR_m_vs_unfreeze 2 Selecting versions=BR_m_vs_select 2 Sending versions to the background ( deselect )=BR_m_vs_deselect 2 Retrieving versions from the background ( select )=BR_m_vs_deselect 2 Sending a configuration to the background ( deactivate )=BR_m_vs_deactivate 2 Retrieving a configuration from the background ( activate )=BR_m_vs_activate 2 Comparing versions=BR_m_vs_compare 2 Copying versions=BR_m_vs_copy 1 Managing security 2 Creating a new User=BR_t_crusr 2 Creating a new Role=BR_t_crrl 2 Assigning a User to a Role=BR_t_assrl 2 Checking which roles are currently active ( effective context )=BR_m_efrl 2 Checking the actions you are allowed to perform ( access rights )=BR_m_shacsr 2 Changing the actions a role is allowed to perform ( role rights )=BR_m_acsrl 2 Activating a role=BR_m_actrl 2 Deactivating a role=BR_m_dactrl 1 Corporate Modeling 2 What is a Group ?=BR_o_grp 2 Making a snapshot of a group ( saved group )=BR_m_vs_snap 2 Creating a corporate group=BR_m_vs_mkcpr 1 Using the Class Browser 2 What is the Class Browser ?=CLABR_tl_clabr 2 Navigating between classes=CLABR_m_op 2 Finding a class=CLABR_m_fcla 2 Finding a class feature=CLABR_m_ffeat 2 Filtering class features=CLABR_m_ftfeat 1 Using data from outside a project 2 Reverse engineering a class library=BR_m_recpp 1 Generating project documentation 2 Creating a new document=DOC_t_crdoc 2 Creating local sections=DOC_t_dfsec 2 Creating file sections=DOC_t_dfsec 2 Creating property sections=DOC_t_dfsec 2 Creating the document structure=DOC_t_dfdcst 2 Generating a document=DOC_m_gndoc 1 Customizing ObjectTeam 2 Filtering browser information=BR_m_flted 2 Changing the way browser objects are displayed=BR_m_vw 2 Changing the browser font=BR_m_ft 2 Customizing tool bars=CMZ_db_ep_m_infp 2 Changing various browser options=BR_t_chopt 2 Using the customization editor=CMZ_tl_cmz 2 Creating new menu options=CMZ_t_nwmn 2 Redefining menu options=CMZ_t_cust 2 Changing the position of a menu using drag and drop=CMZ_w_dra_drag.n.drop 2 Deleting menu options=CMZ_m_del 2 Creating new browser objecttypes=CMZ_m_nw 2 Creating new browser views=CMZ_m_nw 2 Customizing your user environment