Computer security is vital for all individuals and organisations who use computers. In today's world information is both a source of power and money. Losing information means losing money and competitive advantages in today's world. This was clearly documented by Ernst & Young's recent survey on computer security.
What kinds of data are necessary to protect?
What threats exist in your organisation which could lead to your computer data being compromised?
The press likes to emphasise external threats such as computer viruses and hackers; surveys show that the largest threats to computer systems are internal. All personnel with access to unsecured computer data pose a threat, and often without knowing it. Every time one of your employees carries a notebook out of the company premises there exists a risk of the notebook being stolen along with all the data on it.
If your organisation has computers connected to the outside world an intruder can gain access to unsecured data without ever having to enter the building. The fact that this often happens has been documented:
..... one computer on the Internet is broken into every 20 seconds.....
The Financial Times, 15th April 1996
If you're still not convinced of the need for computer security, consider the following:
A recent survey by Ernst & Young compiled in co-operation with Information Week. A total of 1,320 companies took part in the survey, which identified the following causes for loss of data:
Cause Experienced by (% of survey correspondents)
Accidental | 65 |
Computer viruses | 63 |
Loss of access channel | 51 |
Internal theft | 32 |
External theft | 18 |
Natural disasters | 25 |
Unidentified causes | 15 |
Industrial espionage | 6 |
It is impossible to ignore the fact that the potential damage of not securing your computer data is huge; at the same time the investment required to eliminate this risk is minimal. AEC is a leading provider of software security solutions which address your needs.
Investing in AEC's products could well prove to be one of the best investments you have ever made.