
Secure Computing product review from October 1996
Easy of Use (novice).....
Easy of Use (professional).....
Value for Money.....
Easy of use, though its flexibility can be a bit confusing to those who have not initially planned the configuration they ultimately desire. A great deal of thought has gone into providing a thorough and efficient system that may provide real security for those who will take the care to employ its features.

Generally speaking network security services can be classified into the following five categorites:

  1. Access control procedures ensure that only authorised persons can gain access to protected resources on a networked computer system
  2. Confidentiality services protect sensitive data from unauthorised disclosure, either deliberate or accidental.
  3. Data integrity services are designed to thwart unauthorised tampering with or corruption of senstitive data
  4. Authentication services are desgned to identify with near 100 per cent certainty the user of a protected resource
  5. Nonrepudiation services ensure that a network transaction that actually took place cannot later be denied by any participating party

Each of these security services relies on some form of encryption, and all these services are provided by AEC's IronWall security product. IronWall thus represents a comprehensive security solution for your data security needs.

Of special interest are the following features:

In short IronWall contains all the features necessary for comprehensive security without making employees feel that 'big brother' is watching them. Put simply, IronWall makes full use of preventing access to data rather than continually monitoring who is accessing what data.

Technical summary of IronWall

IronWall is currently available for the following operating systems:
DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows 95.

IronWall for Windows NT will be avaiable in Q2/97.