
Secure Computing product review
Easy of Use (novice).....
Easy of Use (professional).....
Value for Money.....
The strenght of this product is in its utter simplicity of operation, coupled with the high level of cryptographic security it offers to the skilled and unskilled user alike. It is tidy and efficient in operation and a delight to use.

What does IronMail do?

IronMail has been designed to enable the secure transfer of information over the Internet, computer networks, and modems. IronMail guarantees privacy for communication, and enables you to among other things safely leave messages, make home banking transfers, and transfer sensitive financial and personal data.

IronMail is an encryption package enabling the off-line treatment of data prior to transmission. IronMail can be used in conjunction with any communications package. AEC also offers a combined encryption and communications package in the form of its IronBridge application.

IronMail ensures data integrity, and provides easy text and data treatment with high levels of security.

Selected data within a file is copied to the clipboard of any standard Windows application such as Microsoft Word. This data is transferred to IronMail for treatment (such as encryption or decryption). IronMail then transfers treated data back into any standard Windows application. IronMail also checks the integrity of decrypted texts, and adds Margins (begin, end) to encrypted texts. An integral part of the encryption and decryption algorithms in IronMail is data authentication using digital signatures.

The method used to transfer information to and from the clipboard depends on the application you are running and how you are running it.

To copy information to the clipboard:
Select the information to be copied from the application to the clipboard. This can be achieved either by using the mouse or the keyboard. From the application's edit menu, choose Cut or Copy. The Cut command removes the information from the application and places it on the clipboard. The Copy command places a copy of the information on the clipboard and does not remove the information from the application. The information is then on the clipboard and can then be encrypted or decrypted. After treatment, the contents of the clipboard can be pasted into another or the same application.

To copy information from the clipboard into an application:
This is achieved by placing the insertion point where you want to paste the information and choosing Paste from the application's edit menu.

Information you cut or copy onto the clipboard remains there until you cut or copy something else, clear it or quit Windows.

IronMail also uses the same encryption library for treating entire files. Encrypted files can then be attached to any message for transmission.

IronMail comes with a FREE copy of Microsoft's Internet Explorer, enabling you to have in one package the best security available for internet communication.

IronMail with its ELLIPT algorithm uses the Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem method. ELLIPT thus incorporates the latest encryption technology. It is also stronger than the RSA algorithm, when comparing algorithm keys of the same length. ELLIPT keys have a fixed length of 173 bits. Although the ELLIPT algorithm has been designed especially for the American market, it is recommended to all users as it represents a new generation of asymmetric algorithm.

The latest version of IronMail uses a new hash algorithm called SHA, which is regarded as a U.S. standard.

The European version of IronMail contains both the RSA and ELLIPT algorithms.

IronMail is compatible with Windows 3.11, Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems.