Configuration Settings

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DiskCheckup offer some configuration settings that allow users to customize its usage to suit one's needs.



Temperature unit:
This determines the temperature unit that the user prefers (Celsius or Fahrenheit).  Temperature will be displayed according to what is selected.
Temperature warning level:
A user can enter a temperature warning level so that DiskCheckup can perform the appropriate action if a temperature has been exceeded or met.  The action performed is dependent on "Action on Threshold Exceed Condition".
Action on Threshold Exceed Condition:
In the event that an attribute has reached its threshold value (or if the temperature warning level has been met), DiskCheckup can perform the following tasks:

1.Do nothing:                                Nothing will be done.
2.Display a message window:        A message box will be displayed.
3.Send e-mail notification:                An e-mail notification will be sent.  To configure notification settings, click in the “Settings” button.  Refer to "E-mail Notification Settings".

Note:        This action will be performed only once per attribute per device, unless the attribute value changes from the last time it was refreshed.
Auto-refresh after X minutes:
Check this check-box if you want DiskCheckup to periodically refresh the display information and enter the time interval in minutes.
Record SMART attribute for TEC computation:
Check this check-box if you want DiskCheckup to record all SMART attributes for the purpose of predicting Threshold Exceed Condition.  Note that TEC data is recorded and added to a TEC binary file every time DiskCheckup is started up or the values are refreshed or if you clicked on a device icon in the "Physical Devices" window list.  To find out more on how DiskCheckup predict TEC, refer to "Threshold Exceed Condition prediction".