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Group of Profiles [Ctrl+G]

Use a Group to execute a series of Profiles.

Specify (optional) custom Configuration and/or custom FilterSets that will be applied to every selected Profile.
This is a very powerful feature.


Add and select the Profiles you want to execute as a Group.

The Profiles will be executed in the order in which they are displayed.

Custom Configuration

Adjust the selected configuration settings on this page for every selected Profile.

If a setting is selected, the setting in the Profile will be replaced with the value on this page.

If a setting is not selected, the existing setting in the Profile will not be modified.

For example, you can override "Destination.Directory" with: "C:\Burn-to-cd\" for all selected Profiles. Useful if you want to place a couple of backups into one destination directory.

Custom FilterSets

These FilterSets (selected and unselected) will be used to modify the FilterSet list of every selected Profile.

If a FilterSet in an Profile has exactly the same conditions as a FilterSet in the Template, the Template's FilterSet properties 'name', 'action' and 'enabled' will overrule these properties for the existing FilterSet.

Only the conditions of a FilterSet are used to compare, not the properties (Name, Action, Enabled).