Use This Profile
Select the Profile to open when Abakt starts.
Use 'default.abp' as a new Profile. This file can be found in the current user's "Application Data\Abakt" directory.
(Windows XP: "C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Application Data\Abakt\default.abp").
Previously Opened/Saved
Use the last file that was opened or saved by Abakt.
Set a custom file that should be used as a new Profile.
Restore File Associations at Next Startup
The next time Abakt is started, it will restore file associations for files with the following extensions:
.ABP, .ABG, .ABT and .ABH.
If you (double-)click these files in Windows Explorer, Abakt will start and open the selected file.
These file associations will be removed from the registry when you uninstall Abakt.