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Send mail when a backup has finished

Following is an example of a .BAT script that calls Abakt and sends an e-mail with useful information.
You should probably modify the script a little so that it works on your system.

The script uses blat, a command line utility to send mail. Download blat.zip and extract it to "C:\Program Files\blat\".

set BLAT="C:\Program Files\blat\smtp\blat.exe"
set ABAKT="C:\Program Files\Abakt.exe"
set PROFILE=MyProfile
set HOME=C:\Documents and Settings\erik
set LOGFILE="%HOME%\Application Data\Abakt\Log\%PROFILE%.log"
set EMAIL=myName@myProvider.net

@rem == Prepare blat:
%BLAT% -install smtp.myprovider.net %EMAIL%

@rem == Call Abakt:
%ABAKT% -b -x -l -m "%PROFILE%.abp"

goto result%ERRORLEVEL%
    @rem OK (0x00)
    %BLAT% %LOGFILE% -s "%PROFILE% Ok" -to %EMAIL%
    @goto end
    @rem OK+WARNING (0x02)
    %BLAT% %LOGFILE% -s "%PROFILE% Ok + Warnings" -to %EMAIL%
    @goto end
    @rem ERROR (0x01)
    @rem ERROR+WARNING (0x03)
    %BLAT% %LOGFILE% -s "%PROFILE% Failed!" -to %EMAIL%
    @goto end
