Abakt Logo Abakt Manual

1 - Source [F6]

Select the directories and files you want to do something with.

Unselected directories will be ignored throughout the rest of the filter-process.


This panel displays a tree of directories for every root directory.

You can mark a directory to be included or excluded in further operations. New directories (that did not exist when the Profile was created) inherit their parent's selection state.

More useful functions are provided by the 'More' drop-down button. These functions are also accessible by clicking the right mousebutton.


This panel shows all the files (and their properties) in the current directory.

Click a column header or a Filter icon to change the sorting order.

The 'Active FilterSet' column displays the first FilterSet that applies to this file (if any). It may also display 'Directory Not Selected', which is not a FilterSet.

The Filter icons

Abakt uses the following icons to display the filter status:

Click the 'FilterSet' drop-down button to display a menu that helps you to easily define or edit FilterSets. This menu will also appear if you click the right mousebutton.