By downloading and/or installing this software (eCover), you agree to the following terms and conditions. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS DOCUMENT, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE, DELETE THE SOFTWARE AND ALL RELATED FILES FROM YOUR COMPUTER. English: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, BOTH EXPRESS AND IMPLIED. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS ASSUMED BY THE USER, AND IN NO EVENT WILL THE AUTHOR "Gauss" BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR DIRECT DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE POSSESSION, USE, OR MALFUNCTION OF THIS SOFTWARE (eCover), INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY. You (user) agree to defend, indemnify and hold THE AUTHOR "Gauss" harmless from any and all liabilities, costs and expenses. You may not: modify, prepare derivative works from, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise derive source code from the Software Product (eCover); rent, transfer, disclose, make available or grant any rights in the Software Product in any form to any person without the prior written consent of the author (Gauss), remove any proprietary notices, labels, or marks on the Software Product (including any accompanying documentation); use the Software Product in any manner that infringes the intellectual property or other rights of another party; or use the Software Product to provide online or other database services to any other person. No assistance or update are provided or granted via websites, software products, emails, forums, hepdesks or in any form whatsoever. The use of this software may lead you to download copyrighted materials, whose rights belong to the legal owner, so use it at your own risk. You, as a user, agree that you bear sole responsibility for your own decisions concerning the download and any further use of the aforementioned materials, without obtaining prior permission of the copyright owner or rightholder. You are the sole responsible for using this software (eCover) in any way that would constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability, or otherwise use the software (eCover) in a manner which is contrary to law. Italiano: Questo programma e' fornito così come è, senza nessun tipo di garanzia. In nessun caso l'AUTORE (Gauss) potrà essere ritenuto responsabile dei danni di qualsiasi natura causati direttamente o indirettamente dall'uso del programma. Quanto reperibile via download può essere coperto da copyright, diritti d'uso e/o copia dei rispettivi proprietari; pertanto 'AUTORE(Gauss) invita l'utente a verificare preventivamente le condizioni imposte dai produttori e/o istributori ed è esplicitamente sollevato da qualsiasi responsabilità in merito. Quale condizione per l'utilizzo da parte dell'utente del Programma eCOVER l'utente garantisce l'AUTORE (Gauss) che non utilizzerà il presente software per scopi illegali. Inoltre, l'AUTORE(Gauss) non si impegna a fornire nessun tipo di assistenza su questo programma (eCover), né si impegna a fornire futuri aggiornamenti. L'Autore (Gauss) rende noto che tale programma e' libero nell'utilizzo personale, ma non puo' essere distribuito né utilizzato per fini commerciali. Inoltre, non puo' essere utilizzato né tutto né in parte in altri software.