VirIT eXplorer Lite is an AntiVirus software specifically designed to work with the new Microsoft Windows NT/2000 operating system. The features of VirIT eXplorer Lite are: 1) Software user-frendly easy to use; 2) Detect virus infection from : Floppies, Files, Internet Download, FTP, Network; 3) Detect polimorphic viruses Mte (Mutation Engine) and TPE (Trident Polimorphic Engine); 4) Detect MACROWORD Viruses; 5) This version of VirIT eXplorer Lite Antivirus will incorporate heuristic virus scanning engine of virus detection and can detect a large percentage of new and unknown viruses that have not yet been analyzed by antivirus researchers of C.R.A.V.; 6) Upgrade from AntiVirus WEB Site by TG Soft Version: 3.5.39 Installation: SETUP.EXE Status Program: SHAREWARE $24, distributable Lite version Author: TG Soft S.a.s. email: WEB: